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The Good News

Is Sabbath Important?

Although oberving the Sabbath is not a required for salvation, it holds great blessings and rewards. Therefore, the obervance of the sabbath is still important for people who believes in God.

Who Is The Archangel Michael?

However, Michael is not just any angel who ministers to God's people; he holds a unique role in their aid. The archangel Michael plays a significant part in the end times, as described by the Apostle John in the book of Revelation.

Daniel 8: The Ram’s Higher Horn

In this vision, the ram represents authoritarianism and is depicted with two horns, symbolizing the kingdoms of Media and Persia. These horns stand for absolute monarchy and communism, with communism portrayed as the "higher" horn that "came up last".

Daniel 8: The Unfolding Of A Vision

The vision of the Prophet Daniel regarding “a goat and a ram” has been unfolding throughout history, even today. We thank God for the wisdom to understand what the “goat” and the “ram” truly represent, as they provide deeper insights into our past and future.