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A Testimony

Last updated on December 1, 2018

God is light, God is love.

He alone is immortal and dwells in unapproachable light.

In the beginning, before God created the world, he created light.

That light is the exact representation of  God.

He created  it in his image.

In his own words, God said “Let there be light”

and  there was light.

That was how The Son was begotten.

God loves the Son.

God built everything through that light and for that light for the glory of the Son.

He has also chosen his people to be part of this light before he founded the world.


Then the Word became flesh.

Jesus, The Light. The perfect one.

He is the Christ, The Son Of God.

In him is life and that life is the light of mankind.

Jesus said, “You are the light of the world, A city on a hill cannot be hidden.”

This meant Mount Zion, The city of God.


The Son Of God is the cornerstone in Zion.

Jesus is the stone that the builder’s rejected that became the cornerstone.

He conquered death and authored life for us.

His Yoke is easy and his burden is light.

Those who are predestined for life will come to him.

He is the Way, The truth and The life.

The only way to see the Father is through him.

That is why it is said,

“Wake up o sleeper, rise from the dead,

and let Christ light shine on you.”

You have become a livingstone in Zion.

So cry out,  “Abba Father.”

The Father has turned your darkness into light before you.

This is the glory that God had in store for you when he created that light before he founded the world.

Keep walking in that light and you will see where you are going.


God bless you! Praise the LORD! Halleluyah! Thank you Jesus!

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